Basic Townhome Reno

  • Created on :  5/20/21
    Auteur :  Dcrumley24
    Membre depuis :  December 2020
    Projets partagés :  211

Créateur initial :  Dcrumley24

  • Created on :  5/20/21
    Auteur :  Dcrumley24
    Membre depuis :  December 2020
    Projets partagés :  211

Créateur initial :  Dcrumley24


Description du projet

There is nothing wrong with this townhome, It was built pretty recently and has nothing that really NEEDS to by changed. Aesthetically though this house is lackluster the whole house feels builder grade basic, so it needs work! Renovate this home and furnish it to turn this builder base townhome into something elegant!

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de Dcrumley24